Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tranquil Tuesday

What a difference a day makes, and another set of arms. Today was so easy in comparison to yesterday. I had a dr. appt. this morning, so Laury came over to help Steve while I was gone. When I got home, they were each holding a sleeping baby and watching TV.
Rielee is playing with her marbles in this picture. Awhile back, I found a container of old and new marbles in the pantry and gave them to her. She plays with them nearly every day, transferring them from one thing to another, and "cooking" with them, marble soup is a specialty. Harper and I had to play doll house with her today since she was very put out, said I never play with her anymore...(guilt tripping Grandma). But Harper was entertained by it, looking at all the things in the playroom. I asked her (Rielee) if she had sat on Santa's lap yet, and she said she had not, so I suggested we practice and I pretended to be Santa, and asked her what she wanted for Christmas, she said "well, the things on my list, of course" I asked her to elaborate on that, and she said she wants the swimming puppy, a For Real pet, and dancing shoes. Then I asked her if she had been good, she said "yes", and then I asked if she was nice to her sister and brother, she looked kind of pained, but answered honestly "well, not to my brother". So we talked about it, and I said Santa understands, as long as you are trying to get along with your brother. She said she would try.
Emmy stopped by to see the babies today. She was talking to Ava, but Ava wasn't saying anything, Em was very impressed when I told her she had to ask Ava to "talk" to her, so she did and Ava starting cooing. Such smart little girls we have!

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