Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Christmas at Jill's

Sunday we went to Kingston to have Christmas with Jill, Ashli and great-grandson Hayden. Unfortunately, Jineen and Kyle had to work so they couldn't be there, but we did go to Starbucks to say hi to Jineen before we left town. (Von also was among the missing, at 21, who knows where he was I guess he had more important things to do.) We were surprised how much Ashli, 12 and in 8th grade now, has matured and is becoming a lovely young lady. She is doing really well in school and even had an article she wrote about the Kingston Inn published in the local paper. Hayden is 3 and all boy, always in motion. Jill is doing great, she is staying slim and healthy, I thought we took a lot of vitamins, but she has us beat by a long shot. Steve was busy while we were there making plans to go back in the summer and put a new roof on her house.
We had a really nice visit with them, and as we were leaving, I happened to admire a picture Jill had on her wall. She told us about Clear Creek Nursery in Poulsbo, said it was her favorite,
so we decided to stop there on the way back. It was perfect timing, as they had all their Christmas decorations 50% off, I shopped and checked out once, went to the car, and decided to go back in for more. They had some unique things, and even had two real reindeer outside. Of course, my camera battery died when we went to take a picture of them for Rielee.

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