Friday, December 18, 2009

Ava flips

This time it was Harper's hat that slipped down over her face on the ride up to Grandma's this morning... these poor little road-warrior babies.
I had a scary ordeal today with Ava. We were getting ready to take them back home, and I put her in her carseat on the floor, but didn't buckle her in since I still had to change Harper's diaper. Well, she got upset and started to cry, and when she gets really upset she will crank her head up and back to the left and arch her back, well, she must have been pushing with her feet, too, because she completely flipped herself over and was face down in the carseat. It really freaked me out, I could see how she could easily get herself in a position where she might have trouble breathing.
Rielee was in a crafting mood today, so I got out a bag of pom-poms I had left from the bazaar-days, we cut out some Christmas tree shapes, and she glued them on. Then she wanted to give Papa his Christmas picture frame that she made a couple of weeks ago. So she wrapped it up, in two layers of paper, found a tray, and carried it in his room for him. Then she tells him she will open it for him. Then she had another frame she made for her parents, but changed her mind and wanted to wrap it up for Papa, too, so we went through the very same deal, two layers of wrap, she opened that present for him also. Practicing for Christmas, I guess.
Tonight we are going to watch Macee and Tierney's game against Clatskanie.

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