Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Dominoes dominate

Another busy day with Rielee, I am really missing the days of playing outside...Lately she has show renewed interest in her dominoes, although as little bricks to build stuff with instead of playing a game with them. Today we made a zoo for all the animals she bought on one of our 3 zoo trips this year. She now has 6 boxes of dominoes since Papa decided 3 wasn't enough to build much of anything. Then it was on to the dollhouse, so Harper had to pretend to play, too, since I was holding her at the time. Then Rielee played marbles, putting them all up one of her sleeves and very seriously telling us she had broke out in "bumps" and needed to go to the dr. After that, she took a bath, so I decided to throw the babies in with her. Ava went first, that went great, but by the time I got Harper in there, Rielee had filled the tub with cold water, and I, still thinking the water was just right temp., lowered Harper in, she freaked out, as did I, it was so darn chilly. We ran more hot water in, but Harper was upset by then, so she had like a 30 second bath. I don't know how Rielee could stand that cold water, but I do think she may have enjoyed the trick she pulled on Grandma.
That is Harper also letting Emmy know she doesn't like those glasses on her.

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