Friday, December 11, 2009


This picture is actually from yesterday but its cute so I will leave it here. They are lying on their playmat, they love to look at the black and white fabric and toys on the arches. I've kept this mat since James was a baby, I think, it is the best entertainment for a baby. They are really getting more animated by the day, and will coo and "talk" to us when I ask them if they can. This week, they have switched roles, with Ava being the more tempermental, and she can get so mad, oh boy, she can get herself worked up.
So anyway, I went down to Camas today. The girls alternated their feeding and naps so it was an easy morning. Kelly called later and said I could bring them in to the school if I wanted to go home early. I had already dressed them, but the outfits they had on were sort of boyish looking (especially on bald little girls) so I decided to change them into something cuter. Well, that didn't make either one very happy, one too many times with clothes over their heads, so then they alternated screaming their heads off. Even went into tandem screaming a few times before I got them loaded up in the car. Then on the way to the school, the sun was shining in their eyes at a couple of stop lights, reason for more screaming...usually they are so quiet in the car.
Of course, by the time we got in the school, they were on their best behavior and happy to be held by Mom and Dad and all the ladies in the office.
Grandma's nerves were just slightly frazzled.

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