Thursday, December 17, 2009

Thursday in Camas

The girls were still asleep in their swaddle blankets when I got there this morning. Ava woke up as soon as Mom and Dad left, but Harper slept till 8.
I got lots of practice rocking both of them today. The first time I got them both settled in the chair with me, both were quiet, I'm feeling good, everybody is happy, and I look over and notice I forgot to turn off the swing. So I had to get up holding both of them and turn it off with my toe, then sit back down and try to settle them in again. The biggest problem with this tandem rocking is that we always hold them in our left arms, so whoever is on the right is uncomfortable, so I have to have her just lay straight up and down on my chest.
This isn't going to work for long, though, they are almost too big for it now. Charb has a big, over-sized rocker-recliner though, which is nice and comfy.

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