Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Picture Day

We took Ava and Harper into Sears today to have their picture taken in the outfits that Auna found for them. It was sort of, okay very, frustrating session as there was a young guy working and he was training a young girl. First she tried to put both of the babies on a pillow in a basket, that didn't work, they were too big and it made them mad that they were crammed so close together. She had nothing to prop them up on so Steve and I had to get down on the floor and hold them up as they sat on the rug-a table to set them on would have been nice! Then she wanted them on their tummies on that furry rug??, with Harper on top of Ava, that went nowhere fast...then she wanted to have them lying on their backs with their heads side by side to take their picture from above, that scared them, too. By then they were both in meltdown mode. So this was the best picture we could get, with an unhappy Harper. But it is still pretty cute.
I should have known it wouldn't go well--the girl called yesterday to set up the appt., she asked how many children would be photographed, I said "4 month old twins" she asked their names and then asked "and are they both 4 months old?"

1 comment:

  1. That is such a cute picture. They don't have to be smiling. They both are bright eyed. Love it.
