Thursday, December 3, 2009

Steve the bus driver

Steve said he felt like a bus driver today, he did so much running around.
His day went like this:
6:15 a.m met Charb in Woodland to pick up babies
7:50 took Auna home to get her piano books, then to school
10:40 pick up Rielee at school, take her to Cathy's to play with Jillian
11:45 go to Cascade for groceries, pick up Rielee
12:00 go to high school, cut paper for Cathy & I to mount the basketball pix on
2:40 p.m pick up Auna at school, take her to piano
3:15 bring Auna home, take her home to water the tree, feed Sara
6:00 meet Charb in LaCenter to return babies
But, mind you, this is the guy who is always telling me "honey I feel like a road trip", so now he is getting lots of them...
Then, he says-"every time I would walk in the door at home, it's like there is a baby flying through the air at me!"
Yeah! He survived another day!! Me, I stayed home all day with the babies. They were good little babies.

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