Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday madness

Went down to Camas today since I have to be home tomorrow for a dr. appt. It was a very, very long day. This picture of the twins was taken first thing in the morning, they were full and rested and happy. Unfortunately, most of the day they were completely out of sync with each other. It seemed I always had one that was fussing, if not crying, or else they were both crying and wanting to be held. That is just the worst feeling, to not be able to comfort both of them. I tried a couple of times, to hold them both and rock them, but they seem to know that it isn't right, and one always ends up crying anyway. (I just had a feeling of deja' vu writing that...) Then Ava wanted nothing at all to do with the swing, as soon as I started to lower down into it, she would start arching her back, stiffen up and cry! I took their play mat down there for them, so they did play under that a little. Fortunately, they napped for about an hour together about noon, they must have felt sorry for their old Grandma and wanted to give me time to eat lunch and recharge my batteries.

Charb had the girls by himself all day Sat., he said that was really an eye opener. He re-swaddled them put them back to bed and Ava slept in until 10:45. He gave me the swaddle blankets in case I wanted to put them back down when they got sleepy, but I just don't want to use them during the day. However, I may change my mind about that if they ever stay over night with me. He also said that they watched Baby Einstein for about 10 minutes.

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