Monday, December 28, 2009

Rielee's Bed Head

Rielee came in the house this morning and I just started to crack up. She had the worst or would it be "best" case of bed head I've ever seen! Our cute little girl was transformed into a wild child...and she did not want me taking her picture either. (Des said she went to bed with her hair wet which explains this very strange "do")
We were going to the girl's basketball game a little later and of course, she wanted to fix her own hair. She is very particular about how it is styled, and she has learned how to put a pony in by herself. She is very proud at how long her hair has grown, if she tilts her head way way back it will touch her back. She also likes to comb Grandma's hair, and I've had to walk around the house with some peculiar looking "dos" when she is done with me.
Unfortunately, the girls lost their game to Toutle today. Darn.
Parker showed up last night at 9:00 to spend the night with me, said things were boring at there is something exciting going on at our house?? We stayed up and watched "Dumb and Dumber", opened one of the bottles of Sparkling Cider we had for New Year's, and drank some with our popcorn, then went to bed about 10:00. He slept in until 10:00 this morning. I was very tired when I got up at 7, after a night of listening to him snore.

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