Monday, December 21, 2009

baby break

The babies are on Christmas break with their parents, but we do have Rielee and Parker today and tomorrow. I think they may be at least as time consuming to take care of as the twins are, and as Laury said, at least the babies don't talk back. Rielee had been sick in the morning, throwing up a couple of times, but she seemed fine when she got here. She said she ate some "bad ham" last night and that was what made her sick. I offered to pay Parker if he would help me clean house, and he was happy to do so. He cleaned and organized the play room and cleaned out the fridge for me. But before long, he decided he needed to bring in the TV and his playstation from the treehouse and set them up in the playroom since he would be staying here over the break, and the treehouse is too cold to hang out in during the winter. So now we have more stuff in there, and after a day of playing the room doesn't look much better than it did.
Oh well, it is a play room. Auna spent the day here, too, entertaining both Rielee and Parker, and after Des took Rielee home, I took Auna and Parker shopping with me. Parker bought himself an old-fashioned alarm clock at with the bells on top. I got a couple of stocking stuffers.
Auna is staying overnight since David and Laury took Emmy to Selah for her first practice as a club volleyball coach.

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