Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Chipmunk movie

Steve went to Astoria today to watch the girls play basketball, and I stayed home with Rielee and Parker. We decided we would go to see the matinee of the Chipmunk movie, James was still at his Papa's, so we invited him, too. We had to wait in a long line, and then Laury showed up with Auna and Gracie, so Laury waited in line and I went inside with the kids. The theatre was very full by the time we got in, and there was nowhere for us all to sit together, so Parker and James found a place in the back, while Laury and I and the girls were in the 3rd row. It took awhile, but my eyes finally adjusted to sitting that is a very cute movie, we all enjoyed it. 14 thumbs up!

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