Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Snowball fight!

I took Macee, Parker, and James with me to Will's basketball game tonight. As we are sitting there, James says "snowball fight in your yard tonight, Aunt?" I looked at him and said nothing...he says"we'll take that as a 'Yes'", he and Parker laugh. Towards the end of the game, I hear the same question, say nothing, and hear "We'll take that as a 'Yes'"... (I know I am messing up the punctuation here, but you get the idea.)
So they end up riding home with Steve, and I no more get in the door and they are outside on the porch, waiting for me, at first I said no, and in the first picture they are calling the Dolan's, inviting them over, James has the phone inside his hat. I couldn't resist the temptation to join in the fun, though, and we ended up having a great time. Dave came over with Auna and cousin Gracie. Alan came out and took pictures, Laury and Max showed up, too. Max ate a few snowballs. It was perfect snow, packed into snowballs easily. I love that Parker and James, they are such fun guys when they aren't being ornery little turkeys! Or making giant snowballs and throwing them at old Grandmas...

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