Monday, December 7, 2009

Late Start

The kids had a late start this morning due to the icy roads (and Rielee's class was canceled), so Parker and Auna got a chance to play with the babies. Since often I can't tell them apart, I always photograph them with Ava on the left, so that is her with her lip sticking out. Parker is holding "big-eyed Ava" as he decided to call her today. Rielee is holding her "Miss ChrisMoose" baby, I think she was a little jealous today of all the attention we were giving to the babies, so she wrapped up her moose to join in. She wanted to do a craft today, so she
painted a couple of Christmas picture frames and an ornament. She has gotten much better at painting, and made each side of one frame a different color, and she remembers to paint the edges, too. Then she further embellished them with about a half a jar of glitter. She really likes glitter.

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