Friday, December 4, 2009

Christmas Tree

No babies today, so we did some speed-cleaning and decorating. Steve brought the tree in since he was afraid it might rain or snow tomorrow, so I threw the lights on it and when Rielee got home from school she decorated it with us. I put a few lights on the trees outside, but it was way too cold for me to do very much. When Auna got here, she and Rielee finished up the tree. Papa and Rielee were very proud of the tree they picked out, even though he realized when he was putting it up that it was a lot wider than he thought, and it has a dog-leg in it, which makes it look crooked, and a big section of brown needles, but hey, any tree looks great decorated! I think this is the earliest we have ever put up the tree since we got the woodstove, thank goodness for LED lights.
Tonight Auna, Rielee, Parker, James and I are going to watch Will's basketball game. Steve went to watch Macee and Tierney play in Montesano, they are both starters on Varsity!

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