Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Late start, in March?

This picture is from yesterday, obviously, since the twins stayed home today since it SNOWED, again, and most of the schools had a late start. I sent this picture to Norma to thank her for the lovely scarf she sent me for Christmas, her package just arrived, slightly beaten up, Des said, and definitely better late than never. And here is Rielee on the couch, taking it easy (with her bed head), watching cartoons until it was time to get ready for school. When she wasn't cooperating and didn't want to look at the camera, she told me "Grandma, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit." Same thing she told Ava and Harper yesterday when she was trying to feed them breakfast and they didn't want it.
Auna came over and stayed with us this afternoon. She was recovering from having had a cyst removed from her back and needed a cable TV fix. She didn't really want her picture taken either since she was still feeling a little groggy.

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