Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rielee's hurt hip

After searching and searching forever last night before bed for the remote to the bedroom TV, this is where I found it. Now I know where to look first! Rielee fell off the bar stool yesterday afternoon and landed on her side. She said her leg hurt and was limping some. By this morning she was miserable and wouldn't bear any weight on it at all so Des got her a dr. appt. and Rielee and I met her there at 10. The doctor thought it was her hip and sent her to Kaiser for an x-ray to rule out a break. None was found so she is just sore, thankfully. One day of packing her around was plenty enough. Ava and Harper were happy to have her home for the day though. Rielee sat on the floor with them and played duplos and legos, and she tried to play
flashcards with them, but they just wanted to look at all the different pictures on the cards and see who could grab the most.
We had a brief break in the rain this afternoon, so Papa and Uncle Alan took Ava and Harper outside while I stayed in with Rielee.

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