Friday, March 18, 2011

Carnival and Cars

Rielee and Parker came over after school to spend the weekend with us since Gabe and Des took Macee to a v'ball tournament in Denver. Tonight was the annual school carnival. Not much there for Parker to do besides enter all the raffles, so he didn't want to stay for long. Rielee played all the games, made a spin-art frisbee, and
had her hair rainbow spray-painted. She tried to win a goldfish in a ping-pong ball toss, but didn't and was very disappointed. Fortunately, she and Papa had already made plans to go to Petco tomorrow to buy goldfish for the pond.

After the carnival Rielee rented "A Cat In The Hat" to watch and Parker played video games.
Papa bought the Ava and Harper a Cozy Coupe car yesterday and after comparing it to Rielee's old one with the bent wheel, thinks he can fix that one so they can use it. Ava pushed hers around a little but mostly they both just practiced getting in and out, alternating that with a trip up and down the stairs.

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