Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ava and her blanket

Ava would not let go of her blanket today. She had to have it with her at all times. We didn't let her take it in the bathtub, though, which made her very unhappy. Auna came and stayed with us today, she still wasn't feeling too well. Ava and Harper were a distraction for her anyway, but a sort of noisy one at times. Ava entertained her with by playing ring around the rosie, all by herself just holding her socks, around and around she went, until she started making herself dizzy and walking crooked. It was pretty funny. We kept trying to distract her, but she just kept going around in circles.
Sitting with Auna just after waking up from their naps this morning, calmed with pretzels. What would we ever do without pretzels, the cure-all. Ava still has her blanket.

They love to help Papa bring in firewood, and will run back to the door for more, over and over. They say "thank-you" to him each time, too.

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