Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Harper was wide awake this morning but unhappy because Ava was still sleeping, so Papa put her on the couch with her. Ava still didn't wake up though, until I tried to put her in her bed, then she woke right up. We had cabin fever today so we went to Vancouver early and went shopping with the girls. We got them all dressed and ready to go and I noticed Ava was limping badly, so we took her boot off and found she had a hair clip in it, no wonder. We got a car cart to push them in at Fred Meyer and they had a great time play driving it. Papa was buying some oil and gave them each a quart to hold, they were thrilled and hugged them tight, which made us laugh, doesn't take much sometimes to keep them happy! Then at Target they were sitting in the double cart and started getting really
silly, giggling, kissing and hugging each other. They were so good, and really good walking in and out of the stores, too, holding hands with us and watching for cars.

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