Monday, March 21, 2011


Emmy came by this morning, first to drop off Auna (who was home sick) with us while she went to the doctor. She visited with Ava and Harper when she got back. They were very excited to see Emmy, but then a little wary. For the longest time they just stood and stared up at her. After awhile they relaxed though and sat down and colored with her. We have been getting a kick out of Ava lately. She says "no" and really enunciates when she says it. Most of the time she says "no" when she really means "yes" but today I had given them both a couple of chocolate goldfish crackers and Ava really didn't want hers and gave them to Harper who obviously loves them.
In the evening, Auna came back over to watch "Dancing with the Stars" with us, a Monday night tradition for us. She and Uncle are getting quite good at judging, now they are giving their scores before the dance is even over. Emmy came over later with some chocolate cake her Grandma made-it was so delicious!

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