Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Softball season

We had Emmy over visiting today for quite awhile since she was bored with no one at home. The girls got pretty used to having her around, but she never did succeed in getting them to say her name. She reminded me of how Rielee held out and wouldn't say "Emmy" until after she had said everybody else's name, she was sure it was just to spite her! Ava and Emmy

The Rocket softball team had their first game today, a doubleheader win against Kalama. This is Macee hitting a single. It was very cold at the field.

Emmy said I always put nice pictures of the kids on this blog, so this morning Papa and I were talking about it and decided to take pictures of them every time they cried or were unhappy. The only problem was they were so good most of the day there wasn't an opportunity to grab the camera and catch them arguing over a toy or fussing about anything!

But this is how they look sometimes when they both want to sit on your lap at the same time. A little intense but that''s all.

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