Thursday, March 3, 2011

Rielee's mid-winter break

After breakfast this morning, Ava grabbed Big Dog and buckled him in the highchair. Then they both proceeded to "feed" him. We had Rielee all day since her school is on mid-winter break today and tomorrow. She got to go down to Aunt Cathy's and play with Jillian for a couple of hours, which made her very happy. She said Jillian was nice today and didn't even try to tackle her once. When she got back we took Ava and Harper out for a walk. Harper tripped and fell into the edge of the door when we were coming back in and now has another mark on her forehead.
Then I gave them each a bowl of apple slices for a snack, and they all sat at the little table to eat. Next thing I know, Rielee has bailed out and Elmo is on the table with apple slices in his mouth.

I had to pick up Parker this morning from school, he was throwing up again, poor guy. He spent the rest of the day at home, just sleeping on the couch. Papa and I went over and checked on him every half hour to make sure he was okay.

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