Friday, March 11, 2011


Thankfully, Liann and Lindsey are fine after the earthquake in Japan. They were very scared by it and Liann said that a lot of the water in her school's swimming pool sloshed out. We were worried about them as they live near Tokyo .

Ava and Harper took their "buddies" outside with them today. They sat with them on the driveway and looked at rocks, then they went down the slide with them. We went to see Uncle Alan, but he was gone, and suddenly Ava realized she didn't have Big Dog, I could see him over by the slide so she took off running fast to get him. When she got back, she found a leaf in the driveway and said "Alan" so I told her we could leave it on the porch for him. Well, it blew away, so I had her put a rock on it to hold it, then she piled up some pretty rocks on it for Alan. She was very precise about stacking her little pile of rocks one at a time.
Harper, however, had her own method of piling rocks-by the handful.
An update on Rielee: her hip x-ray showed that her growth plate had shifted so she will be following up with an orthopedic dr. to make sure there isn't a problem with it. She was feeling lots better this morning but was still sore.

1 comment:

  1. I can understand her saying Alan, I write A's and say A is for Alan every time I color with them. Great Pictures!
