Thursday, March 17, 2011

bumps and bruises

Ava and Harper had an accident-prone morning. They ran into each other the first time in the hallway. I was trying to fix our computer and heard them collide and then bang into the wall outside the playroom. Harper took the worst of it and had a goose egg on her forehead. A little later Harper banged her head (in the same place) on the kitchen cupboard as she was getting out some bowls. Then a little later they ran into each other again. Wow, lots of tears and hurt feelings. This picture was taken just before the injuries, they sat there quietly looking at books for, oh, maybe all of 30 seconds, long enough to bore the heck out of Big Dog.

Ava and Alan

Papa's plan was to quietly sneak out to the car this morning and move their carseats to the other car, but one of the girls noticed that he picked up his wallet and put it in his pocket, they are very observant! They both followed him as he was getting his shoes and jacket on, and then stood against the door watching him. No way he was going outside without them. So we went for a walk, Uncle Alan was outside so he came along, too. Harper took off by herself walking down the driveway to see Laury and Max, we all caught up to her, but they weren't home. We took a leisurely walk back and then let the girls play outside for a little while, it was kind of chilly though so we didn't stay outside for long.

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