Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ring Around the Rosie girls

Ava and Harper were such happy girls this morning, they had breakfast with Rielee and she played with them until she had to leave for school, then they were inconsolable!

We had to distract them with a bath after that to calm them down.
We took them on a long hike around the property today. They are little troopers and don't have any problem keeping up or going up or downhill. We stopped by Uncle Alan's on the way to say "hi" and give the girls a chance to check out the rocks in his driveway.
They are saying more words every day, saying "Papa" clear as a bell, but they still can't say "Grandma" and today when they tried it, it sounded like "Bob". Papa got a big kick out of that.
Auna came over later to spend the night with us, the girls will be happy to see her in the morning.

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