Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Old pix

I took one crummy picture today, so I found a couple of old ones I like. This one is of the kids in 2005, Rielee was just tiny, Parker and Auna were 5, Macee 10, Will 11, and Emmy 14. And this is Ava and Harper exactly 1 year ago. How can these be the same little girls that now shut the playroom door and don't want us to bother them while they are playing?!

Today was a nice, inside day. Auna was here and Rielee got to come over and play. She took a bath with the twins, but it got a little crowded and she bumped her head on the faucet and cried and then Ava and Harper bailed out. After they were all dressed they started playing "kitchen and restaurant" and that was fun for everybody. Rielee does a good job of playing pretend with the little girls, giving them jobs to do like being the waitresses and serving food and they really get into it. Auna is a good supervisor.

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