Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Twins on Tuesday

Rielee ran out to the woodshed after school and grabbed a sack full of craft paints that Des had left there for her on the way to work this morning. She was happy to have lots of new and different colors to paint with, and went right to work on a picture of flowers. It was all we could do to keep the twins away from her, they were under the easel and Ava was trying to pull herself up on Rielee's leg.

We had an really interesting morning - when I was giving Ava her bath, I took her diaper off to find a big mess that went all the way up her back. I hollered for Papa and he grabbed a piece of newspaper to lay her on so the towel wouldn't get dirty, bad idea, cause then we had a messy baby with newspaper stuck to her back, too, squirming and kicking like mad. I had him grab the wipes then and wipe her off while I held her up in the air, he was grossed out and ran to wash his hands as soon as he was done--he hasn't changed either baby's diapers yet, and is hoping he doesn't ever have to.

For lunch we had Rielee's favorite, bean soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, and the babies liked both, especially Harper-she liked the soup so much she even ate it off of the spoon!

Oh, and we had a fun last night when Auna stayed over. We watched Dancing With the Stars, she always comes over and watches it with us anyway, but she got to watch it all last night. We always try to guess what the judge's scores will be, and Auna often gets it right. Last night we were pretty disgusted with Len's judging, it just didn't seem fair. This morning I had Ava wake Auna up for school, and we all ate pancakes for breakfast together.

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