Tuesday, April 13, 2010

So many questions

Macee up to bat
I picked Rielee up from school today and then took her for her Kingergarten placement test. The teacher said she did amazing and that when they were finished testing Rielee was full of questions about everything in the room. Lately she asks questions about the craziest stuff, like "why don't fish have eyelashes?" or "why do they call it sawdust?"--when Papa was cutting up the tree she was fascinated by the "dust" and went in the house to get a bowl for him to fill up with it. When I asked her the next day what she did with the sawdust, she said she filled the bowl up with water for sawdust soup and Parker tried a bite of it. Des told me that last night at dinner, Norma asked Rielee if she had a boyfriend, so Rielee told her about Kyle and that he was away at college but she was waiting for him, that they were on a break right now.
In the afternoon, we went to watch the Rockets play a double header against LaCenter, they won 13-0 and 15-0.

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