Monday, April 5, 2010

Sick babies

I went to Camas today since Kelly needed to take the twins to the doctor. Sat. night Harper got an eye infection and then today Ava woke up with it, too. The dr. said they both have pink eye, and Harper also has an ear infection. So Harper got amoxicillin and Ava got eye drops. The dr. also said that the girls could start having table food if they wanted it, and said not to worry that Harper refuses baby food, she said it could just be a texture thing with her. The girls were in pretty good spirits today for being sick. But one change in them was very obvious--if I left the room or was out of their sight, one or both would instantly cry. They have also started to really notice each other, if they are on the floor by each other, they stare and touch each other.

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