Thursday, April 22, 2010

Thursday in Camas

This is what happened every time I would leave the family room, one, or both of them would come looking for me, babbling like they were angry with me for leaving them behind...Ava is smiling here because I was playing peek-a-boo with her, hiding behind the cupboard.

The babies were up and playing when I got to the house at 6:30 this morning. I fed them a waffle for breakfast, dressed them and they were down for a nap by 8:30. They slept until 10 or so, had bottles, then we went shopping at Walmart. After we got back, I called Mary Dolan and invited her up to visit. The babies reaction to her was pretty funny, they just sat and stared at her for the longest time, like they couldn't believe there was a strange person in their house. It didn't take too long, though, before they relaxed and went back to playing. Mary and I had a nice visit.

After Mary left at 1:15, I sat down with both of them for a minute and Harper conked right out. I took her up to her crib, and then tried to get Ava to sleep. I didn't want to lay her down since I knew she would scream and wake up Harper. I should have left Harper downstairs and taken Ava up first, I thought Ava would fall asleep having a bottle, but no way, she would not settle down until 2:45, at which time Harper woke up, then Kelly came home at 3:15 to get them to go to Lexi's track meet since Charb had to stay at school because some kids got in a fight right at the end of the school day, and he had to deal with whose fault it was and calling their parents.

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