Friday, April 16, 2010

Big girls

Ava sleeping in her pack n' play in our bedroom...
and Harper napping in the playroom, they are quickly learning to put themselves to sleep! Harper will fuss for a couple minutes, Ava a little longer, but today I only checked on her twice, and the second time patted her back for a minute and she was out. I don't know if we are prouder of them or ourselves for doing this, but it is making life with the twins much easier. They are better rested, as is Grandma, and Papa-well, he always manages to nap regardless of what is happening. He loved his power naps with Harper, and fought giving them up, but I was getting tired of all the rocking and walking and then having them wake up anyway when we did try to lay them down. Also, now that they are crawling, they really get tired out and fussy, so once they are fed they are ready to rest.
After we took the babies back, we watched a Rocket softball game at LaCenter and then Parker came home with us while the rest of the gang went on to Corvallis for Regional V'Ball. Later we went to watch James play a night baseball game, and we picked the right game, too, he hit a 3 run homer! It was really a beauty. He also did some great pitching and they won 4-3. Really a fun game.

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