Friday, April 30, 2010

Little miss crafty

This Rielee girl really loves to do crafts. I picked up these foam animal shapes at Michael's yesterday so she could paint them and maybe make some kind of ocean scene next week, something she can save to enter in the fair. I showed her some examples of a painted whale and a striped fish, and she used her imagination. She absolutely was not going to have a black and white whale, even after Papa backed me up and told her it really should be black. Now she wants me to buy her all of the other shapes they sell, she had so much fun painting these.
This afternoon Macee had a JV double-header vs. Ilwaco and Montesano. The first game was easy, but the one against Monte was close, and ended in a 7-7 tie, due to darkness setting in. Macee played catcher and really had a good game, with 4 base hits.

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