Saturday, April 10, 2010


Parker spent Friday night with us since his family went to Springfield for Macee's volleyball and he had to stay home to go tohis friend's birthday party on Saturday. We went into town for dinner at Panda, then went shopping. Parker bought a dry-erase board, which I figured it was for his treehouse or his room, until he called me into the kitchen and there it was on the wall-with a note for me! Parker also spent a gift card at Target, buying a lock box. His obsession with locks continues.

We got up early to go to a garage sale, where he found a pretty nice guitar for $20. He was excited to get one that he can take to his music class at school or to the group lesson he is going to start. His electric guitar is a little cumbersome for him, I guess. We spent the rest of the day working outside, I spread some bark, Parker mowed, Papa cut down a tree.

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