Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Parker's fall

Parker tripped over the shop vac in their garage and chipped a bone in his arm this afternoon, he will visit with the orthopedic dr. next week to see if he needs a full cast on it or not.
A quiet Wednesday for a change, no babies today so we had Rielee all to ourselves. Here she is "helping" Papa vacuum in the morning, they were chasing each other with the hose.

As soon as it was warm enough, we headed outside to cut firewood. Rielee loves to drive the lawn mower, and always shouts a "woo-hoo" when she starts out driving. The only irritating thing is that she sings "Romeo and Juliet" the Taylor Swift song over and over while driving (and she won't let you sing along with her either) and then I have the darn song stuck in my head the rest of the day.
She spent a long time today playing in the sandbox while we split firewood. The sandbox has gotten so much use over the years, and Rielee spends lots of time there.

"It just doesn't get better than this!" Papa said as he and Rielee sat down out on the deck to eat lunch. We had such a fun day with her today, what a joy.

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