Wednesday, April 7, 2010

3 busy girls

Harper in front
It was our typical crazy Wednesday today, Rielee kept us very busy as did the twins. Rielee wanted to make some jewelry, so we spent the twin's morning naptime beading. She made a necklace for Norma and a bracelet for herself. She went to the store later with Papa so she could buy a tattoo, then when they got back he took her outside to play in the water a little bit. They made stick boats and floated them down the stream. After lunch, she was getting bored, so I suggested that Papa take her to the library, then we took turns reading a couple of her books to her, Ava listened, too. Harper had to take a break from the amoxicillin for her ear infection, she had so much diarrhea yesterday. Tried feeding her some banana this morning, but she wouldn't open her mouth at all, it was clamped shut. Then we made pancakes, and her little mouth was opening right up for those. Ava had both, she likes lots of food, except peaches, tried those yesterday and neither one liked them.

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