Friday, April 23, 2010

Friday treat day

Rielee was so excited today when the twins followed her into the playroom for the first time. I was ready with the camera to take a picture of Ava when she crawled up close to the closet door mirror and looked at herself, like I have with the other kids, but she had no reaction to seeing herself, none at all, then it dawned on me that she sees someone, namely Harper, that looks just like her, all the time, and she just glanced at herself and turned around and crawled away. No big deal there. They explored the playroom for a bit, then took off to find Papa on the computer. It was Friday treat day and Rielee got a maple bar from bakery, so after I finished up feeding Harper some banana, (chopped in little pieces, mind you, not mashed, no spoons) I gave her a little bite of it-and she went nuts! Started making all kinds of noises to get her point across that she wanted "MORE". She went home smelling like she was wearing "eau de maple bar" cologne.
I tried to take a picture of the 3 girls together since they were wearing outfits that were closely color-coordinated, but that was impossible with the twins squirming all over. Harper was fixated on trying to pull the button off the pillow. Rielee posed though. We took the twins back to their parents at Union at 2:30 and then went to the Home and Garden Idea Fair at the Clark County Fairgrounds. They have a huge plant sale there and we bought a cool little Japanese Maple and a canna.

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