Monday, April 12, 2010

fabric and fish

I picked Rielee up from school and we headed into town to buy fabric and fish. First we went to Joann's to get fabric for a new blanket for her, as she left her old blanket in Colorado. She ended up buying 2 pieces of fabric, one with puppies, one with flowers. I was going to sew them back to back for 1 blanket, but she wants 2. Then we went to the Pet Works for new pond fish, since all of ours died recently. They are nice there and will catch you any fish you want out of the hundreds in the tank, so Rielee got to pick out each one, 6 different goldfish. Hopefully these will be healthy and last awhile, our last new batch had a fungus that also infected my 3 big fish that I had for over a year. After that we went over to Kid's Resale and found some bibs and swimsuits for the twins.

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