Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A fun day

Our Wednesday went pretty well. After breakfast and baths, we all played on the floor until it was time for the babies to take their morning nap. Papa and I took turns reading books with Rielee while the babies settled down, then we got out the easel and paints and she and I painted a picture of her room. In the afternoon, Rielee wanted to sit in Harper's high chair and be my "big baby"for a little while and Ava was pleased yet puzzled to see her there.
I got a very funny video of the the girls today. Auna and Rielee had taken Ava in the playroom and were sitting on the bed with her. Rielee started to pretend she was a puppy (or a wolf maybe) and Ava was cracking up, so I took Harper in there too and it just got better.

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