Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two times the mess

Our house always seems to be a mess when the twins are here, scattered from one end to the other with baby stuff, I give up trying to keep things neat. Today they went through several changes of clothes with diaper blow-outs and spit-ups. We always laugh when we come back home after dropping them off and the place looks like a tornado hit.
Emmy was back from her spring break trip to Florida so she came over to visit her cousins. They kept grabbing her hair and necklace when she was holding them.

Ava can up pretty well now.

Harper took off her sock to chew on it and then took off crawling with it, well, doing her little version of an Army crawl anyway...

Jillian sitting in the baby's walker, okay, so I forgot that you are supposed to tell her "show me your teeth" to get a good smile, I said "smile" and got the one-eyed Pirate look.

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