Monday, March 15, 2010

I'm the coach

Rielee wanted to eat lunch with Papa out on the deck today, so we put Ava in the stroller so she could watch them eat. Ava and Harper were out of sorts today, tired and fussy, since they were up half the night, according to their parents, so being outside was a nice distraction for them.
Alan came over to visit, and we ended up visiting for quite a while, holding babies and enjoying the sunshine. Rielee did some bike riding and we took Ava for a stroller ride, then it was time for the babies to take a nap. Once they were down, Papa took Rielee out to shoot some hoops. He got a kick out of her today. She told him she was the coach, and then she told him "you take the ball Papa, go in and make a basket, and we'll get a trophy!"
Oh, and she has always loved Bean w/Bacon soup, its been a long time favorite. Today she told Papa, after dipping her carrots, crackers, and a sandwich in her soup (she loves to dip everything in her soup or milk)...that she liked the "juice" in the soup but really didn't like the beans at all...go figure.

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