Sunday, March 14, 2010

First overnighter

Papa brought out his ukelele to distract the tired and slightly grumpy baby girls Saturday night-it worked, but Ava wasn't very impressed with his singing ability...

We offered to watch the babies Saturday night while Charb, Kelly, Lexi and Luke went to watch Union play for the 3A State Basketball Championship (which they won). We were surprised when Charb called us back and asked if they could spend the night! We weren't sure what to expect with girls, having heard stories of them not sleeping too well since they outgrew their swaddle blankets, but they were really good. They were asleep by 10:00 p.m., so I put Ava down in the Pack n' Play beside my bed, she slept there until 12:30. I gave her a bottle and tried to put her back down, but she was rooting around on her tummy and it was making me nervous that she might fall asleep with the blanket bunched up around her face so I brought her in bed with Harper and I, with them both on their backs. Harper woke up at 3:30 for a bottle, and woke up Ava, too, waving her arms and smacking her, so I gave her a little more formula also while she was awake and then they both slept until 7:30. Not bad for their first night away from Mom and Dad.
Ava is trying so hard to learn to crawl, she gets up on her hands and knees, but then goes backwards, which frustrates her terribly.

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