Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday in Camas

We sent the Jumperoo home with the babies last night so they could show their family how much fun they have on it and use it over the weekend. Needless to say, Mom, Dad, Luke and Lexi were really impressed with how wild the girls get using it. This morning they were up bright and early when I got there, ready to play. After an hour they were tired and needed to go back to sleep, but it wasn't easy getting them to go down for a nap. I tried rocking both of them together, but that didn't work since one or the other was just not quite comfortable. So I put Ava in her crib and walked Harper, but Ava screamed and Harper wasn't happy either, so we switched, still no luck. I was not ready to let either one-let alone both--cry it out, so I ended up giving Harper a small bottle in the swing, and she settled down and fell asleep. I fed and rocked Ava until she fell asleep and put her in the crib. Both girls sleep very lightly though, Ava woke several times and I would have to pat her back to get her to go back to sleep. Nap time is always a challenge when I have them by myself, since they are so used to being held and rocked or walked until they fall asleep.
Their afternoon nap was just about the same story, but Ava got the swing and Harper the crib.
Once they fell asleep though, it was a good long nap and they were still asleep when Kelly and Lexi got home at 3:15.

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