Saturday, March 20, 2010

Rielee red hair

Rielee spent Friday night with us, they dropped her off after the school carnival where she had her hair painted red.
We stayed up until after 11, watching some TV, looking at photo albums and she had Papa read to her, he was still reading the big Busy Town book, but he was so tired he kept falling asleep, so I had to finish it for him.
We slept in until 8, then got up and gave Rielee a bath to get rid of what was left of her red hair, she had hoped it might last until morning, but most of it was on her pillowcase. We had to go into town and get a new tube in her new/used bigger bike. She tried riding it a couple times when we got home, but is still kind of nervous on it. She got lots of quality time at the playfort and in the sandbox today, and played with Auna for a long time, too.

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