Thursday, March 4, 2010

Rielee the diaperer

Ava in the Jumparoo, she wore herself out yesterday bouncing. Charb said she was really tired and cranky in the evening, but conked out at 9 p.m. and slept till 5 a.m.
Rielee changed diapers on both of the girls today. It was kind of a wrestling match with Harper, who kept trying to roll over and escape, and her diaper would have worked with low-rise jeans, but it stayed on. Rielee had no patience for all the snaps on the onesies, though, telling me to finish that part and she would take the pictures.
Rielee got to play with Jillian at Aunt Cathy's today. They were riding down the hill on the lawn on a little car when I picked her up, being little speed demons. She loves playing with Jillian.
A slightly leaning-over picture of the them, it is so difficult to get a picture before they react in their happiness by arching their backs which sends them flopping over or scooting down in the chair. They are such happy girls, quick to smile and laugh nowdays. We tried feeding them some of the cereal Kelly sent with them this morning, Harper ate a tiny bit but Ava wasn't interested at all.

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