Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Busy kids

Ava wearing Rielee's hat this morning. They were happy girls despite not being able to sleep in like they usually do since Rielee just couldn't leave them alone, she kept saying "I'm just looking at them Grandma!" until after, oh maybe 5 minutes, when I hear "Grandma, she's smiling at me!"
Ava and Harper were really paying attention today when Papa and I were eating lunch, Harper was grabbing at my plate and both girls were just staring at us, watching the food go from the plate to our mouths. I called Kelly and she said they did that last night at dinner, too, but they still won't eat their cereal so she's going to try them on something else.
We bought a used stroller off Craigslist to push the babies around in, deciding to get single strollers so the kids could help push them.
This is Rielee and Harper-the stroller got a lot of use today, first Rielee took her baby for a ride and delivered cookies to Uncle Alan and Aunt Laury, then we took Harper out for a stroll over to Rielee's house where she showed me how she could ride her bike. She said it was a lot more fun pushing a real baby! After that, she took Ava for a ride with Papa and showed him the bike riding. She surprised everyone last weekend by just hopping on her bike and taking off riding, with no help at all.

Papa playing with Harper, he said "Fish On!"

Papa reading Rielee an Eric Carle book after they got back from the library, she loves all of his books, but especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, books she wants to check out on every trip to the library, today they couldn't find Polar Bear and she was in tears until the librarian told her officially that both copies were checked out. Another book she brought home was a Richard Scary book about life in Busytown, which aptly decribes our Wednesdays with Rielee, Ava, and Harper. These days fly by.

Happy baby-lovin' Auna demostrating how to feed both babies at the same time.

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