Friday, March 5, 2010


James on the phone getting the okay to spend the night at Parker's house. Parker on the phone calling Boris to see if he can spend the night, too. Parker spent a good chunk of his afternoon trying to break into his treehouse since he had misplaced the key. After he took off the hasp and beat the lock off of it, he found another lock and put it all back together again...Papa later found the key out in the yard while he was mowing.
The boys were out back shooting baskets, they like this hoop since it is lowered and they can dunk the ball. I tried to take pictures of both of them, but just couldn't time the shots right. James finally took over and got these of Parker.

I went to Camas today to watch Ava and Harper. No pictures of them since I left the memory card in our computer. I thought I would try taking them to Walmart this morning, thinking I would be able to put one carseat in the kid seat of the shopping cart and the other inside it. Unfortunately, the carseat wouldn't fit in the kid seat, and the babies can't sit up well enough yet really to put one of them in the seat, besides they were asleep, so we just went home. I was wishing I had thought to bring the stroller so I could have gone to Penneys. Kelly called about noon and asked if I could bring the babies to the school so the gals in the office could see them, both girls were napping so I let them sleep for a little while and got them to the school at 1:30.

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