Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Scooting babies

Rielee with another strange hairdo, she had on one of the babies little headbands. We had a busy day today. We played Barbies this morning, she gave several of her Barbies much needed haircuts, and then we played pretend volleyball with a balloon. She went with Papa to the feed store to get some chicken feed and some chain to hang up the swing we got for the babies. The baby chicks are in so she was thrilled, and begged to bring some of them home. No, no, and no, was the answer--our chicken farming days are over, now we just run a chicken retirement home with one 12 year old hen as its only resident...
Papa and Ava. The girls are scooting around on their tummies more now, Harper pulls herself forward now with her arms and then rolls to the left. Ava is still getting up on hands and knees, moving her knees forward to crawl, but the arms don't move yet and she goes falls backwards. They get very frustrated if you put them down on the floor by themselves, but if someone is down there with them, they will play for a long time. So we spent lots of time on the floor today, but gladly as they are so much fun to play with, so animated and they laugh easily.
We also got outside some, we took the babies out and watched Rielee play a little basketball. We took Harper for a stroller ride to find some Easter lilies (trilliums), she had on her flipflops and was gingerly walking through the brush looking out for blackberry vines when we saw a snake, she jumped up in the air a few times and screamed and took off for the house, no more walking in the brush without boots on, she decided. Then later we put Harper in the swing. She loved it, but I am not thrilled with this swing, which is a different design than the old one we had. Fine for an older child, Rielee tried it out, but for a baby this size the straps hit right by her face. I had to keep her hood up so they wouldn't rub.

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