Thursday, March 18, 2010

Our first shopping trip

Harper looks serious but Ava gave me a grin
I got brave this morning and took Ava and Harper shopping at Walmart. They were really good, just chewing on their toys and looking around. Found a toddler swing for them to use at the playfort and a few other odds and ends, couldn't have bought very much anyway since the cart was already full with their carseats. It was fun and nice to get out of the house for a little while. Later in the afternoon I took them for a stroller ride in the sunshine, which put them both right to sleep. They were sweethearts for me today, all in all, and Ava is getting better at her backwards crawl/scoot. Today she got off the rug and made fast progress across the smooth floor until she backed into the wall, unfortunately she was farther away from the toys she was after and it just made her mad.

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