Thursday, March 31, 2011

Parker's day to help out

Parker came and stayed with us today. He played with the girls, then we watched a movie while they napped. He wanted to take them outside for a ride in their cars after lunch so we took them over to his house. Harper went out in the field and retrieved all the stray balls to play with, then Uncle Alan showed up and between the two of us we were able to keep the balls from rolling down the driveway or back into the field while Parker and the girls played. Ava and Harper shooting hoops
They want to push the cars back themselves now, without any help of course.

After Papa left to take the girls back, Parker and I went to Target so he could get some plastic trading card pages so he can organize all his sports cards.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

No posing

I think I captured some sibling rivalry in this picture. Auna and I were trying to get the girls to sit together on the couch for a picture. Harper would pose by herself and smile but when Ava tried to get close to her, she got upset and moved away! We had to go for a walk in the rain today since it never stopped raining all day. We went out to look for Easter lilies and once all the girls had found one, we tried to get Ava to stop for a second for a picture, but no way, she had too much exploring left to do.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Old pix

I took one crummy picture today, so I found a couple of old ones I like. This one is of the kids in 2005, Rielee was just tiny, Parker and Auna were 5, Macee 10, Will 11, and Emmy 14. And this is Ava and Harper exactly 1 year ago. How can these be the same little girls that now shut the playroom door and don't want us to bother them while they are playing?!

Today was a nice, inside day. Auna was here and Rielee got to come over and play. She took a bath with the twins, but it got a little crowded and she bumped her head on the faucet and cried and then Ava and Harper bailed out. After they were all dressed they started playing "kitchen and restaurant" and that was fun for everybody. Rielee does a good job of playing pretend with the little girls, giving them jobs to do like being the waitresses and serving food and they really get into it. Auna is a good supervisor.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Auna's here to help

Auna was playing with the camera, taking pictures of the girls while they had a snack after their bath. They are wearing some of Rielee's clothes while I washed their outfits (since they didn't have a change of clothes with them), they thought that was fun, Ava got a skirt to wear, she really liked that. It is going to be an easy week for us having Auna around on Spring break, she is so helpful and keeps them entertained.

Before their nap we took them on a long walk on the trails to wear them out. They were excited to see these Easter lilies growing, and Harper also found a good rock.

Sunday night

We offered to keep Ava and Harper Sunday night since they were up here visiting at Uncle Gabe's house anyway. Later in the evening, Em and Auna came over to show us the clothes they had bought over the weekend. They were so happy to find the girls here, Em especially since she was headed back to Ellensburg Monday. After showing us their treasures, they played with the girls in the playroom. When they came back out in the living room, Ava and Harper started pulling the clothes out of the bag, and Ava wanted to put on Auna's new shorts. In this picture, she is wearing a baby hat that she often puts on and wears around the house, and trying hard to get those shorts on. Papa is putting a shirt on Harper.
We laughed so hard at these two, they were hilarious and I think they knew it. Pretty soon, Ava had her shorts on her head. Then they did some spinning around in circles to get dizzy and stumbled around.
We didn't have any problems getting them to sleep, they were worn out!

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Parker had an early release for Spring break today. He played with Ava and Harper for awhile and then cleaned out the greenhouse and mowed the front lawn for me, taking a break in between to shoot hoops. Ava and Parker
Harper going down the slide.
Then we took the girls outside in the sunshine. First they wanted a ride in their cars and then they headed to the swings and slide.
Oh, and they let me put "pretties" in their hair this morning and actually left them in all day!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

First firepit

We took the girls outside this afternoon for a ride in their cars and they were so excited, first they saw Buttons the cat, then, oh boy, they spotted one of the cows over in the neighbor's field. There was a lot of whooping, hollering, pointing and arm waving going on! At the playfort they rode in their toddler swings for a long time, then when it was time to get down, Harper wanted to get on the big swing. Ava followed but her swing was slippery and she wasn't feeling very secure. Then they played on the slide before going inside.
Since Rielee and Parker were spending the night we had an early firepit before Rielee had to go to Tee Ball practice. She wanted to cook her own hotdog...although she was proud of that one, we tossed it and started over. Auna and Parker were really wound up (Spring Break starts tomorrow!) and started hitting pop cans with a golf club for fun. It was a short firepit.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"My baby"

We saw and heard 2 new things from the girls today. First thing this morning, Harper first gave a still sleeping Ava her Big Dog and then she grabbed her baby and said "my baby"--the first time we have heard either one of them put 2 words together. Then during their bath, for the first time, they were both down on their bellies trying to put their faces in the water. Harper can blow bubbles which just cracks her up, but today she managed to suck some water up her nose which brought the bath to a quick end.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Softball season

We had Emmy over visiting today for quite awhile since she was bored with no one at home. The girls got pretty used to having her around, but she never did succeed in getting them to say her name. She reminded me of how Rielee held out and wouldn't say "Emmy" until after she had said everybody else's name, she was sure it was just to spite her! Ava and Emmy

The Rocket softball team had their first game today, a doubleheader win against Kalama. This is Macee hitting a single. It was very cold at the field.

Emmy said I always put nice pictures of the kids on this blog, so this morning Papa and I were talking about it and decided to take pictures of them every time they cried or were unhappy. The only problem was they were so good most of the day there wasn't an opportunity to grab the camera and catch them arguing over a toy or fussing about anything!

But this is how they look sometimes when they both want to sit on your lap at the same time. A little intense but that''s all.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Emmy came by this morning, first to drop off Auna (who was home sick) with us while she went to the doctor. She visited with Ava and Harper when she got back. They were very excited to see Emmy, but then a little wary. For the longest time they just stood and stared up at her. After awhile they relaxed though and sat down and colored with her. We have been getting a kick out of Ava lately. She says "no" and really enunciates when she says it. Most of the time she says "no" when she really means "yes" but today I had given them both a couple of chocolate goldfish crackers and Ava really didn't want hers and gave them to Harper who obviously loves them.
In the evening, Auna came back over to watch "Dancing with the Stars" with us, a Monday night tradition for us. She and Uncle are getting quite good at judging, now they are giving their scores before the dance is even over. Emmy came over later with some chocolate cake her Grandma made-it was so delicious!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Em & Will

We had a busy day with the kids. Parker was up and outside working by 9, so I went out with him to work for a little while. Then Rielee wanted to make "rainbow" cupcakes like Auna made this week. A messy endeavor but she and Auna (who came over to help) had fun. Parker had practice from 1-3, so I got to play Barbies with Rielee during that time, and Papa got to play several games of Go Fish.
We were happy to see Emmy, who is home for Spring Break. Parker was especially happy to see her--to bug her about who her boyfriend might be.And this is--a rare sighting of WILL! He came over with Emmy and sat down to watch a little college basketball.
I think he was amused, or maybe annoyed, by Parker, who is now an obsessed basketball fan-Blazer basketball fan.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Shopping and yard work

I took Parker and Auna to Van Mall this afternoon after Parker's ball practice. It was a marathon of walking since he had to look over the entire mall for Blazer stuff, then go back to buy what he wanted. He ended up with 2 shirts, a bobblehead and 1 sticker. Auna bought a dress for herself and a gift for a friend. When we got home, it was pretty nice out so I offered the kids a penny a cone to pick up cones. Parker picked up 1,200, Rielee didn't count her first bucket and had 90 in her second. We worked outside until it started to get dark. Parker still had lots of energy, so we got out the hedge trimmer and he cut down ferns and Rielee and I raked and loaded the fronds, and either Papa or Parker hauled them to the burn pile. With the promise of a firepit tomorrow, they were working like mad.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Carnival and Cars

Rielee and Parker came over after school to spend the weekend with us since Gabe and Des took Macee to a v'ball tournament in Denver. Tonight was the annual school carnival. Not much there for Parker to do besides enter all the raffles, so he didn't want to stay for long. Rielee played all the games, made a spin-art frisbee, and
had her hair rainbow spray-painted. She tried to win a goldfish in a ping-pong ball toss, but didn't and was very disappointed. Fortunately, she and Papa had already made plans to go to Petco tomorrow to buy goldfish for the pond.

After the carnival Rielee rented "A Cat In The Hat" to watch and Parker played video games.
Papa bought the Ava and Harper a Cozy Coupe car yesterday and after comparing it to Rielee's old one with the bent wheel, thinks he can fix that one so they can use it. Ava pushed hers around a little but mostly they both just practiced getting in and out, alternating that with a trip up and down the stairs.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

bumps and bruises

Ava and Harper had an accident-prone morning. They ran into each other the first time in the hallway. I was trying to fix our computer and heard them collide and then bang into the wall outside the playroom. Harper took the worst of it and had a goose egg on her forehead. A little later Harper banged her head (in the same place) on the kitchen cupboard as she was getting out some bowls. Then a little later they ran into each other again. Wow, lots of tears and hurt feelings. This picture was taken just before the injuries, they sat there quietly looking at books for, oh, maybe all of 30 seconds, long enough to bore the heck out of Big Dog.

Ava and Alan

Papa's plan was to quietly sneak out to the car this morning and move their carseats to the other car, but one of the girls noticed that he picked up his wallet and put it in his pocket, they are very observant! They both followed him as he was getting his shoes and jacket on, and then stood against the door watching him. No way he was going outside without them. So we went for a walk, Uncle Alan was outside so he came along, too. Harper took off by herself walking down the driveway to see Laury and Max, we all caught up to her, but they weren't home. We took a leisurely walk back and then let the girls play outside for a little while, it was kind of chilly though so we didn't stay outside for long.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Swing time

Auna came and stayed with us for awhile today, she was recuperating from a fever and headache she had yesterday. She wasn't too perky but Ava and Harper enjoyed having her around anyway. Rielee got out at 12:30 so when she got home we let her wake the girls up a little early from their naps (they actually slept in until 7:30 this morning).
Then we got lucky and the sun came out, Rielee grabbed a towel and headed out to the playfort.
Ava and Harper were so very happy to be back in their swings. Rielee let them pretend "kick" her and then she would fall down, and they would crack up laughing at her. After about 20 minutes of playing, the sky darkened again and it was time to head in. This did not make Ava and Harper happy, in fact, they were inconsolable. Hopefully, it won't be long before we can take them out to swing again.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Harper was wide awake this morning but unhappy because Ava was still sleeping, so Papa put her on the couch with her. Ava still didn't wake up though, until I tried to put her in her bed, then she woke right up. We had cabin fever today so we went to Vancouver early and went shopping with the girls. We got them all dressed and ready to go and I noticed Ava was limping badly, so we took her boot off and found she had a hair clip in it, no wonder. We got a car cart to push them in at Fred Meyer and they had a great time play driving it. Papa was buying some oil and gave them each a quart to hold, they were thrilled and hugged them tight, which made us laugh, doesn't take much sometimes to keep them happy! Then at Target they were sitting in the double cart and started getting really
silly, giggling, kissing and hugging each other. They were so good, and really good walking in and out of the stores, too, holding hands with us and watching for cars.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Doing the hokey pokey with their flip-flops on. Papa was so happy to find these for them at Old Navy yesterday. Now we just need some nice weather so they can wear them.
They got to play outside twice today. It is so funny, Harper is fearless and will take off and try to climb up any bank, she just takes off, over rocks, uphill, no matter how steep.
Then they had to practice going up and down the stairs, that is always interesting because they get in each other's way, it is nerve wracking for me because it seems like an accident waiting to happen. They were pretty consistent in hanging on to the handrail, except at the end when we were leaving to go walking and Harper insisted she could go down the last step without help and without hanging on, and she was right, she did it.


Harper showing a little attitude. Guess she didn't want her sausage since she put most of it on her sippy cup.
We took them home at noon, well, we were supposed to be there at noon but forgot to move the clocks ahead so we actually got there at 1:00.

Saturday twins overnight

Rielee and Gabe stopped by for a picture before they went to the Father/Daughter Ball in Toutle. Rielee was so excited, she could hardly stand it! I heard later that they had a great time. I asked Rielee if they sat by some of her friends and she said they hardly sat down because they were dancing so much.

James and Ava, she had not seen him in awhile and was a little shy. James was staying with his Papa and Grandma for the weekend. He, Parker and Auna hung out with us for awhile and played with the girls, they were especially interested in James' cell phone pictures.

Friday, March 11, 2011


Thankfully, Liann and Lindsey are fine after the earthquake in Japan. They were very scared by it and Liann said that a lot of the water in her school's swimming pool sloshed out. We were worried about them as they live near Tokyo .

Ava and Harper took their "buddies" outside with them today. They sat with them on the driveway and looked at rocks, then they went down the slide with them. We went to see Uncle Alan, but he was gone, and suddenly Ava realized she didn't have Big Dog, I could see him over by the slide so she took off running fast to get him. When she got back, she found a leaf in the driveway and said "Alan" so I told her we could leave it on the porch for him. Well, it blew away, so I had her put a rock on it to hold it, then she piled up some pretty rocks on it for Alan. She was very precise about stacking her little pile of rocks one at a time.
Harper, however, had her own method of piling rocks-by the handful.
An update on Rielee: her hip x-ray showed that her growth plate had shifted so she will be following up with an orthopedic dr. to make sure there isn't a problem with it. She was feeling lots better this morning but was still sore.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Rielee's hurt hip

After searching and searching forever last night before bed for the remote to the bedroom TV, this is where I found it. Now I know where to look first! Rielee fell off the bar stool yesterday afternoon and landed on her side. She said her leg hurt and was limping some. By this morning she was miserable and wouldn't bear any weight on it at all so Des got her a dr. appt. and Rielee and I met her there at 10. The doctor thought it was her hip and sent her to Kaiser for an x-ray to rule out a break. None was found so she is just sore, thankfully. One day of packing her around was plenty enough. Ava and Harper were happy to have her home for the day though. Rielee sat on the floor with them and played duplos and legos, and she tried to play
flashcards with them, but they just wanted to look at all the different pictures on the cards and see who could grab the most.
We had a brief break in the rain this afternoon, so Papa and Uncle Alan took Ava and Harper outside while I stayed in with Rielee.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Auna's here

Ava and Harper were happy girls again this morning. They got to wake Auna up, have breakfast with her and then play with her for a few minutes before she left for school. They didn't eat a lot of breakfast, though, since they were busy being silly and trying to make Auna laugh. They were in good moods after Auna left and sat still in the chair and posed for me, Harper with baby and Ava with Big Dog.
It was an inside day, much too stormy to take them outside. Ava took about a 15 minute nap since she messed her diaper and couldn't stay asleep because of the smell (she really doesn't like having a dirty diaper on). By the time I got her cleaned up, she was awake and couldn't go back to sleep. She was in a good mood though and happily played by herself while I cooked us a chicken stew for lunch. It was funny, at one point she was too quiet so I came in the living room and she was laying on the floor, she pointed to her diaper and wrinkled up her nose-messy again.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Ring Around the Rosie girls

Ava and Harper were such happy girls this morning, they had breakfast with Rielee and she played with them until she had to leave for school, then they were inconsolable!

We had to distract them with a bath after that to calm them down.
We took them on a long hike around the property today. They are little troopers and don't have any problem keeping up or going up or downhill. We stopped by Uncle Alan's on the way to say "hi" and give the girls a chance to check out the rocks in his driveway.
They are saying more words every day, saying "Papa" clear as a bell, but they still can't say "Grandma" and today when they tried it, it sounded like "Bob". Papa got a big kick out of that.
Auna came over later to spend the night with us, the girls will be happy to see her in the morning.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pretty rocks

I was fixing breakfast and when Papa went looking for Harper to put her in the highchair, he found her in his chair with the newspaper. He was impressed that she had the sports page and had it right side up, too. The girls thought they really hit the rock jack-pot when they found these glass stones in the yard. They both carried as many as they could with them when we came back in the house. Papa also found one in Harper's pocket.
Harper had been packing around the big rock that is sitting in the leaf, she quickly abandoned it though when she saw the prettier, shiny ones. We got them outside twice today, the first time it was about 9 and still pretty chilly out, they walked over to see if Uncle Alan was in his shop, but he wasn't. He came over later though to see them. The second walk was much more comfortable and pretty nice when the sun would come out. Ava was sad and cried a lot when we went back inside.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Emmy is home

Emmy, having missed her loving family for 2 months, decided to drive home this morning. Fortunately, there wasn't too much snow on the pass and she made it safely. She and Auna came over to visit just as I was getting home from shopping at Macy's. After telling them about the good sale the store was having today, we hopped in the car and went down to look around.They found several things to try on and both were successful at finding some great bargains. It was so much fun for me to watch them shop and see what they like.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rielee loves twins

Rielee was such a good cousin to the twins this morning. She loves them so much, and so many times during the day, she will say "you guys are so cute!". She entertained them in every way she could think of, reading, playing hide and seek, putting them in the Pak n' Play and then making them laugh by throwing herself on the floor (which they think is hysterical). Harper wanted to wear Rielee's jacket and shoes first thing this morning, then Ava wanted to wear the shoes, too, so they compromised and each wore one. Harper wore the jacket until bathtime. Then in the bath, Rielee showed them how to put their faces in the water and blow bubbles, and they both did it for her, Ava did it over and over.
Rielee read to them on Starfall, but it looks like Ava was much more interested in Papa's gum.

They colored for a long time, too. Then Rielee went to play with Jillian and Ava and Harper went down for naps.
In the afternoon, we took them to Kelly at Union H.S. I put bows in their hair and put them in these little jackets I had bought for them, and they wore their little suede boots. They went in the playroom and looked at themselves in the mirror, for some reason they really like those jackets, and they were just strutting around, acting cute, taking the bows out of their hair and then wanting me to put them right back in.
It was the first time they have walked in the school (before they were always in their car seats) and they looked like such big girls, you could tell they really felt special.
Of course, Ava lost her bow somewhere in transit, but her hair still looked curly and cute.